自2023年起,华社服已被社会发展部(Ministry of Social Development)批准为反长者家暴应对服务(EARS)的提供者,专注于少数民族长者的被虐待和忽视问题。 我们在长者服务中发现的一个关键问题是,由于文化和语言障碍,他们对支持服务的认知和使用率非常有限。针对这一问题,华社服开设了反家暴长者关爱热线,提供语言和文化相适应的专业支持并延长服务时间。
Media Release CNSST Foundation Launches CNSST Elder Abuse Ethnic Hotline 08000 CNSST (08000 26778) Auckland, New Zealand – 19 June 2024 – CNSST Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its dedicated Elder Abuse Ethnic Hotline, 08000 CNSST (08000 26778). This service is specifically designed to support ethnic seniors living in Auckland who may be experiencing or witnessing family violence, sexual violence, or feeling threatened or harassed. CNSST Foundation (CNSST) is a registered charitable trust since 1998, providing culturally and linguistically appropriate social services, education and social housing to 15,000 Aucklanders every year. CNSST have been supporting the elders experiencing family violence and neglect for more than 20 years. Since 2002, CNSST has been approved as an accredited social service providers providing social work and counselling support for community members and their families experiencing violence. So far, we have supported over 15,765 elders in need. From Year 2023, CNSST have been approved by Ministry of Social Development as the Provider of Elder Abuse Response Services (EARS), focusing on the Ethnic Elder Abuse and Neglect. One of the key issues that we have identified for senior services is their limited awareness and accessibility to support services due to cultural and language barriers. In response to this community need, CNSST now open an Elder Abuse Ethnic Hotline, providing support in ethnic languages and during extended hours.
08000 26778 / 08000 CNSST
9am to 5pm, Mondays to Saturdays
Registered Social Workers on Duty
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and English
This service is developed by CNSST, committed to supporting our ethnic senior community with dignity and respect, empowering a safer, healthier and happier life in our community.
CNSST재단노인학대핫라인서비스론칭08000CNSST(08000 26778)
CNSST 재단에서2024년 6월 19일노인학대핫라인서비스론칭을알려드립니다. 이서비스는가정폭력, 성폭력을경험/목격하거나, 위협또는괴롭힘을당하고있는오클랜드의한국인을포함한소수민족노인들을지원하기위해특별히고안되었습니다. CNSST 재단은 1998년부터등록된비영리자선단체로, 매년 15,000명의오클랜드주민에게문화적언어적으로적합한복지서비스, 교육및정부주택을제공하고있습니다.